Update history
2024.07 Update no. 2
- We have expanded telematics integrations with the CNH group. You can add Case, Steyr and New Holland technique!
- Added the function of sowing an catch crop. You can easily "sow" an catch crop and set retention dates.
- Updated crop rotation section. We paid a lot of attention to making it work much smoother and faster.
- Updated calendar in the system. Now it is easier to choose today's or any other date!
- We have added an additional option to set harvest date in the journals for all crops at once!
- The help section has been updated. It will be easier to find educational videos
- We allow you to change the name of the field in the mode of all farms.
- Updated translations and design elements for easier and more convenient system management
- The price requirement while creating your own fertilizers has been removed.
- The field filter has been adjusted, now it will not move along with the list.
2024.07 Update
- Improved selection of map layers. You can now change the base layer and enable multiple layers on top.
- Added the ability to quickly and easily add a new farm in the farm selection box.
- Made the function of transferring fields between farms, you can easily change the owners of fields.
- Added an catch-crop tag to the fields list.
- You can see the amount of active substance in the fertilizer and liming logs. If you exceed the limits in the fields, they will be highlighted!
- Updated journal designs. Now you can see posts with discrepancies more clearly and easily.
- Updated identification processes. It will now be clearer and easier to select the relevant farms and seasons when updating declarations.
- Updated the design of authorization page.
- Block number search is combined with field name search. Now it will be possible to find fields faster and easier.
- When updating field boundaries according to declarations, we highlight fields that belong to other farms.
- Entries for other farms can be added in the journals.
- Updated information part of one field. If the names of jobs or products does not fit, you can hover on it and see the full name.
- The work editing section has been upgraded. You will now see field outlines in the job sections.
- Clicking on the Geoface logo will return you to the home page.
- Updated field label. You will see the name of the seed.
- Supplemented crop rotation report. It will include catch crops and varieties.
- Fixed a problem where the processed field area changed when editing jobs.
- Fixed warehouse calculations based on filters.
- In the settings section, the calculation of the area of the fields will change according to the enabled season.
- Corrected calculations of the active substance of cubic fertilizers.
- Corrected calculations of active substances for liquid fertilizers.
2024.05 atnaujinimas
- Sukurtas šeimos sandėlis - visų ūkių sandėlio informacija matoma vienoje vietoje.
- Galimybė suformuoti šeimos sandėlio ataskaitą (excel formatu).
- Į sandėlio ataskaitą pridėta mechaninių darbų skiltis.
- Įvedant bet kokį darbą, nebūtina jį pirmiau suplanuoti ir tik paskui atlikti. Nuo šiol galite suvesti darbą ir pasirinkti ar jis bus planuojamas ar atliktas.
- Planuojant darbus matysite kada ir su kokiais produktais lauke buvo planuojami arba atlikti darbai.
- Galite pridėti lauką į jau sukurtą darbą.
- Papildyta jūsų susikurto darbo (mišinio) pavadinimo paieška (pvz. nuo žolių).
- Pridėta galimybė pasirinkti skystų trąšų mato vienetus planuojant darbą.
- Lengvesnis ir patogesnis darbų planavimas žemėlapyje (galima pasirinkti pasėlį pagal pirmą parinktą lauką žemėlapyje)
- Planuojant darbus galite atlikti produkto paiešką pagal pavadinimą (užtenka pirmų 3 raidžių) ir likusi informacija užsipildys automatiškai - nebereikia pirmiau rinktis produkto tipo!
- Planuojant sėją, jau galima įtraukti ir papildomus tręšimo produktus.
- Užvedus pelytę ant lauko žemėlapyje, galima matyti lauke esančią veislę.
- Pridėta galimybė paslėpti jau padeklaruotus įrašus žurnale.
- Pridėta pasėlio spalva prie žurnalų.
- Atnaujinti laukų sąrašo dizainai, dabar matysite lauko plotą ir kontūrus.
- Atnaujintas sistemos dizainas, kad būtų lengviau orientuotis ir koreguoti informaciją.
- Dabar galite rinktis kelias azotines trąšas vieno tręšimo metu.
- Sutvarkyta problema kai planuojant darbus keliems ūkiams reikdavo rankiniu būdu perkrauti puslapį.
2024.01 Update
- A new subscription plan "Up to 200 ha" has been created. Now it will be more convenient for smaller farms to purchase the Geoface system.
- Work planning has been updated. Now we can choose which fields we will work on directly from the map.
- Changed the search for adding products in the warehouse. Now it is possible to add a product without selecting its type, but simply entering the name.
- When exiting unfinished tasks, the message "Are you sure you want to exit?" has been added.
- Added minor improvements to the mechanical jobs feature.
- Adjusted the design of the mobile version
- Fixed a bug when selecting a field in the list did not display it on the crop rotation map.
- We allow you to transfer your created seeds between warehouses.
- Fixed group calculation math.
- Fixed bugs in the warehouse.
- Improved system stability.
2023.11 Update
- Mechanical job function. Now you can plan and carry out all kinds of tillage and other types of work.
- Added the ability to select fields directly from the map in the Crop rotation section.
- Changed the structure of jobs in the mechanical jobs section. In the next updates, it will be changed in other sections as well.
- The structure of the program has been updated, it is now even more secure.
- Adjusted so that we can add 0€ price to our own products as well.
- Added and corrected translations in the system.
- Chart colors will no longer change in the Finance section.
- Fixed rounding errors in warehouse purchase.
- Improved system stability in the work calendar section.